Flight Over The Arctic

My aunt made sure that his visiting father
takes the same flight with me,
though we didn’t save gas
getting to Pearson since they
came from Hamilton
but it would mean the world
to her if he has someone
to accompany him falling in line.

I got there first, ten minutes to nine,
people could start checking in.
A text to
turn around arrived shortly, I see them
a dozen people behind me, it seems
so far because of the massive luggage or
boxes between passengers.
I waited in one corner after I was done,
Terminal 3
was also getting crowded.
This is where planes take off
to get half way across
the world, midnight flights
mean morning arrivals.
His luggage is too heavy, like clock-work
the suitcase is set aside,
unlocked and unzipped,
my aunt takes out a bag and puts in another,
presumably lighter.
She’s not getting on but carries
a large gym bag, as per routine.
Her father is embarrassed by the scene of squatting
and exposed clothes, the staff takes it casually.
He says,
I don’t even know these people.
Tay we have to make
your trip count, my aunt asserts.
There are four or so more clusters
of precise negotiating
of souvenirs’ weight   
Unofficially, this is another reason
why have to arrive
three hours early.

A college batchmate in Vancouver,
once posted in Facebook that she wants
to be swallowed by the floor
when waiting in line
in counters assigned to the
Philippine Air Lines.
This stubbornness and chaos should
be left at back there, she goes on,
I didn’t read about the part
on identity, values, progress.
I choose to
overlook the mess
whenever I see the exhausted
eyes of homecoming.
Our generation of quick
virtual replies just
don’t have the same experience
of distance.

Finally seated in the boarding area,
I initially planned to spend
all my remaining Canadian coins
on vending machine junk
or even tourist trap
maple cookies,
maybe order shawarma
from the Middle Eastern restaurant
manned by chefs chatting in Tagalog.  
But after the long lines, my aunt’s father
had a lot to say
I can’t do it, he muses on his six-month stay,
Even with family around, this place is not for me.
To lighten the mood, I asked him the first thing
he will eat when he gets back.
We got up when passengers
seated in our rows were asked to fall in line,
I bought my ticket earlier
so we’ll be far off from each other.
I’ll see you in Manila then, he joked.
We waited again for our turn to enter,
my pockets still heavy with change.

The plane waited for awhile,
some already fell asleep.
I was in the middle aisle,
three vacant chairs to my left.
Two women were catching
their breaths as excused themselves
into their seat, along with
an irritated toddler.
We got last minute tickets for a funeral, the grandmother said
by way of apology, the security pried us
about the formula milk in our hand carry.
They attracted a few stares
while being settled, two attendants assisting them,
the overhead compartment
locking a little louder.
It’s all fine now, I said,
sorry for your loss.
One of their large bags is squeezed
in the spot where I’m suppose
to stretch my legs, but I never brought it up.  
The plane starts taxiing, while the captain announced
that this trip will be shorter.
There will be no stop-over in B.C.,
we will be flying over the Arctic,
he concluded proudly.

As expected, after two movies,
shapes in my screen became a blur,
similarly after the second meal,
the taste also became hard to discern.
The daze in the cabin was finally lifted
when declaration forms were handed out.
People were excitedly asking to borrow pens,
and no one seems to remember
what they wrote the last time.
A woman behind were talking about Siargao,
now much more developed
in heavily accented English,
how a few more years
would turn the whole country similar to Davao City.
She was already wearing a floral dress.  
This flight usually lands at eight in the morning,
but distant windows showed
the streetlights in the capital to be still on.
The nudge of hitting the runway
provoked soft cheers at first,
that spread throughout the cabin.
I imagine that batchmate
in Vancouver
cringing as I find myself clapping as well.

A section of Terminal 3, Toronto Pearson International Airport. Image from here.

First Monday of September

I turned down an extra shift,
but still had to get up early
to catch the first
Lakeshore West GO Train
running every hour on a holiday,
instead of the usual thirty-minute interval.
The same smell of coffee in the platform,
now not as crowded,
excitement on children’s faces.

Getting off at University Avenue
and Queen Street West,
it was apparent we needed
more bodies for our contingent.
but the anxiety was quickly dismissed
with smiles and embraces.
Casually dressed with hand painted banners,
and a small megaphone,
it will have to do.
Crowds spilling into the street
are wearing matching t-shirts,
following respective trucks
with drums and lead dancers.
Today’s actually a chance
for unions to show off, my friend said
to my confused expression.
Burning effigies or flags on the street
would land you in jail here,
another one joked.

We started walking along
mostly closed shops, careful not
to trip on streetcar tracks.
People who also got up early
are watching from the side walk,
the groups before us were outdoing
each other on giving away treats
and occasional pamphlet.
Clip broads with copies of the
petition against the killing of Kian
were prepared, though the parade was basically a stroll,
the pace was too fast to explain
the drug war’s link to labor export policy.
I don’t think Filipinos are in the crowds
this morning, the person holding the other
end of the banner shared,
they’re barely even in downtown.
Time and half is also hard to refuse, I added.

It was fairly warm as we crossed Dufferin Street Bridge
to Exhibition, the march was after
all just the start of May Day.   
Echoes of the hosts welcoming
us as we approach the gates,
“These folks are doing important work,
organizing places employing
mostly immigrants!”
The moderate applause was buried by another boom
of fighter jets flying in pairs
above us.

Image of the Canadian National Exhibition 2012, by Kotsy – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, from here

Union Busting

you really can’t win with this job

for general labor places, you need a union

ah, with a union, that place will turn upside down

nine or twelve hour shifts would be unimaginable

longer breaks too

not just brief shift hours, the line will have much slower pace as well  

and you really alternate work stations, not a same exhausting spot for the day

those cocky lead hands, that won’t do, no shouting and cursing either

a lot of bullshit will evaporate with unions around

the problem is, if the union is similar back home, practically syndicates

they still side with management anyway

no difference

well, this is just temporary, we’re already here

that’s true

see you tomorrow

Parmata at Iba Pang Prosa Kontra-Hegemonya by R. B. Abiva (Pantas Publishing, 2021)

Last year I received the honor of reading the draft of Rene Boy Abiva’s latest book Parmata, a collection of prose pieces. It was released last June and is available purchase at Popular Bookstore or at the author’s Facebook account.

Sharing my full blurb here,    

“Parmata, Ilocano for signs, is a bricolage of a society in crisis, made visible by linking scenarios commonly ignored; a countryside that is both idyllic and cruel, humanity found in inhuman spaces of prison, alienation through the daily grind in the hectic and impersonal streets of Manila, the rarely spoken about violence in supposedly safe homes. Light and dark, dawn and twilight, are recurring motifs as they signal moments of doom – a bloody drug war operation, burning of a slum community, but also of hope – survival of a deluge, peasants coming together to till a better future. Abiva’s language is a direct heir to tradition of an earlier time, a Filipino realism brutal and bare, tied together by corporeal metaphors, composing a milieu of precarity and struggle. At a glance, this might seem kitschy to a contemporary audience, disenchanted and soaked in minimalism, but upon deeper engagement to the narratives, its resonance is a stark evidence that things haven’t changed that much. These short prose pieces are vignettes of a suspended order, whose contradictions are repressed instead of resolved, with the possibility of rupture at any moment, at any place. In this way, they also serve as guideposts to us readers, who in the final instance are also Abiva’s characters, on what is to be done.” 

Pandemic Writings

No blogposts for a month and a half.

I wasn’t exactly busy, I’m actually under the impression that I’m working less these past months. Lockdown fatigue is catching up, I guess. The semester is over a few weeks ago, and a research assistant gig is almost done as well, so I think I have no more excuses to be inactive here. Barely any new works recently, whether fiction, poetry, or reviews. However, I can do an inventory of sorts of my pandemic writings so far.

This blog was inactive for several years while I was living abroad, and I also pushed myself to a similar ‘let’s get down to business’ mood back in early 2020. The lockdown happened shortly. I posted two fictionalized episodes from my life in Canada, which were basically the seeds that would become my zine, Mga Migranteng Sandali, released in November that year in time for the book fair in Iloilo City. Circumstances under lockdown has become another push to get me writing again, and fortunately, several pieces have found homes beyond this personal blog. Rejection emails still out-number the ones conveying acceptance, but these opportunities mean a lot to a literary nobody like me.  

Whether to consider the pandemic as a writing prompt is of course still open to vicious debate, especially from positions of relative privilege. I have experienced, and continue anticipate, periodic money troubles, but generally, I’m okay. I try my best not to feed off other people’s misery, but I recognize I can’t be the judge if any of my writings has done the same.

Another reason for this blogpost is the boom in online publishing locally has been very exciting, but also a bit overwhelming. Knowing digital consumption, many people, myself included, probably can’t keep track of everything. I have several pdfs downloaded but still unread, pages bookmarked but unopened or completely explored. This even extends to anthologies or projects I’m a part of. I’m still adjusting to the scene, and there’s a lot to be discuss regarding digital publishing especially in the country’s context, but I really hope this dynamism will be sustained in the long run.

I will talk about eight projects I’m happy to be a part of and would very much like to invite others to check them out. This is an inventory, but also a shameless plug.    

Kasingkasing Nonrequired Reading in the time of COVID

Western Visayas’ Kasingkasing Press released four volumes of a digital poetry magazine, from March to April 2020. The early issues are relatively slim and featured mostly writers from the region, then it expanded. The tone was set, cultural workers had a lot to say, and they needed a venue. I have two poems in the final volume, ekphrastic poems on Lino Brocka’s Ina Kapatid Anak (1979) and Ishmael Bernal’s Nunal sa Tubig (1976). Previously posted here, but the spacing and line breaks look better in the magazine. I was devouring films during the few months of the lockdown, something I have not sustained when the work from home set-up was formalized. All volumes still available for download; Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4.

Revolt Magazine PH

Another important indie online publisher is Revolt Magazine, which deliberately aims to shake things up in the local literary scene. They cater to both established and emerging writers and have published a few of my poems. I even have an author’s page. I also have reshared some of their posts here, both my own and works by others. They were able to organize a zinefest recently, along with their sister site, Vox Populi. Selected titles are for sale, some are available for download. So far, I have read and greatly enjoyed Zea Asis’ Strange Intimacies: Essays on Dressing Up and Consumption. They appear to be on a hiatus at the moment, but the site is full of gems. Accessible here.

PGH Human Spirit Project

Another early call that attempted to document and make sense of the pandemic is UP Manila’s PGH Human Spirit Project, with calls for submission coming out in April 2020. Unlike Kasingkasing Press, they set the works to be thematically about the pandemic. This move drew accusations of capitalizing on the misery caused by COVID-19 and the state’s botched response. To a large extent, I think this is true. I however, still sent two poems. Made up of three volumes with the first one dedicated to frontliners affiliated with the Philippine General Hospital. The other two, where my poems are found, is for the general public, but only for those with links to the UP system. I haven’t read all the volumes cover to cover, but a quick browse revealed the plurality of creative responses to the pandemic, many of which I find wanting if not problematic. I still think the volumes should be read, debated, and see how they hold up. They are available for download here; Vol. 1 Pagkalinga, Vol. 2 Paggunita, Vol. 3 Pagninilay.

49-Philippine Language Poets in Translation in The Loch Raven Review

The Loch Raven Review’s Issue 1 for 2021 has a section of Filipino poems in translation, guest edited and introduced by Kristine Ong Muslim. I have one poem, which previously appeared in Revolt Magazine, translated by Eunice Barbara C. Novio. I also translated the poems of Orland Solis and Rene Boy Abiva into English. Many firsts here; publication outside the country, as a poet and as a translator too. This is a big deal as well since the journal has a putting out very impressive folios of translated poetry, edited by Danuta E. Kost-Kosicka, of which I greatly liked the one on Kurdish writers.

Ani 41 Lakbay

First paid publication in a long while. I sent a suite of poems also about life in Canada, written in English. Rejected several times by various publishers from different parts of the world, one poem made the cut in the journal with the theme of migration. Not sure what happened to the bookstore I am referring to in the poem, it was facing fierce legal battle against gentrification in Toronto last time I was there. I also still have the book mentioned in the poem.  I received the acceptance email while attending a human rights day mob in Iloilo City. Then got home and read about the crackdowns on journalists and activists on December 10 itself. Contradictions of being a writer in this country. Available for download here.

Busay (Year 43)

First time the College of Arts and Sciences student literary folio went online and asked for contributions outside UP Visayas. Busay has a very special place in my heart, as several of my works appeared here during my undergrad years. It’s either this blog or Busay. My book review of Rommel Rodriguez’ dagli collection is reprinted in this issue. I think this publication is important because just like other many cases, student folios serve as refuge for writers because of the lack of publishing opportunities in the country. Previously, Busay has published works from revolutionary poet Mayamor to award-winning Hiligaynon writers like Alice Tan Gonzales. The issue is edited by two of the most impressive young writers not just of the campus, but of the region, Orland A. Solis and Jhio Jan A. Navarro. Available for download here.  

Kwentong Covid/Kwentong Trabaho

Prepared by labor NGO Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development, edited by the Teo Marasigan. One of country’s sharpest critic, who I have been reading since my undergrad years. I have also shared his Kapirasong Kritika columns, both in English and in Filipin, here several times. This one is an anthology with a much more militant framing regarding the pandemic and workers’ experiences. My story is a fictionalized online chat or conversation with a friend, also a young faculty, about concerns in the academe and beyond. I consider it to be unfinished, as I have more virtual exchanges, with friends, relatives, and students, that I think has important documentary value. As this pandemic drags on, I fear details from these quick check ins will be forgotten soon, if not already. Pieces in this project also perform a similar testimonial function. Available for download here.

Katitikan Issue 4: Queer Writing

I have been reading Katitikan for a while, but first time for a thematic call to be a fit to one of my stories. I edited and expanded the third story from my zine, Pag-alala kay Jose Garcia Villa. Story about lives that queer, migratory, and ultimately literary. I consider this a success in my efforts to try to get my Canada stories to other literary venues. Full issue could be accessed here.

Alice Sarmiento

freelance writer, independent curator, lover of spreadsheets, hoarder of cats

Gina Apostol

a novelist's blog

Buglas Writers Journal

The Literary Journal of the Buglas Writers Guild


sa pasikot-sikot


Interventions in Cinema & Philosophy

Emerge Literary Journal

a journal of growth, change & experimentation

the girl from the coast

experiences and experiments in life and language

Alyza Taguilaso

Hi! I'm a Surgeon who likes to write & paint.



聲韻詩刊 Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine

立足香港 展望世界 From Hong Kong to the World

Bon pour brûler

good for burning

PEN Transmissions

English PEN's magazine for international writing

The Filipina Book Junkie

Hello there! I am a self-confessed book junkie who has an eclectic taste in books and loves to explore book shops & libraries. Have a look around and hope you enjoy it.

Rogelio Braga

Novels, Short Stories, Plays, Polemics, Essays, Activism, and other Activities

The Indie Publishers Collab - PH

A independent publications collective in the Philippines.


where jo galvez lives, mostly.


the second website of Asian Cha

Placido Penitente

I am a weird organic life form. Not entirely perfect. I walk by the wall.

pop the culture pill

comes in both red and blue


Pambansang Samahan sa Linggwistika at Literaturang Filipino, Ink.

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka

"The poems are the work of a profoundly serious temperament and a professional translator of world into word"-- Michael Salcman, Judge, Harriss Poetry Prize


Safe Workplaces Now!


Poet, Teacher, Critic, Scholar, Translator, Filipino


words that will make you shine✨

a decade of dawdling

assembling my thesis into some sort of shape

Juan Bautista Stories

Books, Stories, Blogs & Merchandise


The official website and portfolio of Rhick Lars Vladimer Albay, young journalist and writer extraordinaire based in Iloilo City, Philippines.

Little Wishing Star

I have a dream job. and it really all started with a dream.

Review Points

The blog of Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints


Mga Sinulatan sa Kinaray-a ni JOHN IREMIL TEODORO

by night in buena oro

RM Topacio-Aplaon


always reading


“Nothing that is expressed is obscene. What is obscene is what is hidden.” – Ôshima Nagisa (1932–2013)